

Elementary Counselor – Glen Lake Elementary School

The Glen Lake Elementary School Counselor is available to provide support to teachers, parents and students. The elementary counselor is part of the Student Success Team and is involved in academic and behavioral interventions for students. The elementary counselor is also available to help parents who may need support for family or student issues. Further, the elementary counselor facilitates both therapeutic group sessions and individual counseling as needed for our students. The elementary counselor also oversees the mentoring programs in the elementary..

Secondary Counselors – Glen Lake High School and Middle School

There are two full time counselors at the secondary level. The counselor at the middle school level serves all students in grades six, seven, and eight and serves as test administrator district wide. The high school counselor works with all students in grades nine though twelve. Both counselors attend meetings each week with admin and teachers to assess intervention needs. Both counselors provide group and individual counseling support and are available to meet with parents about any concerns. The high school counselor is also the college counselor, the dual enrollment consultant, the AP coordinator, Homeless Liasion and the liaison for students planning to attend the Career-Tech Center.