Welcome to Glen Lake Elementary School

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Contact Us:

Phone 231-334-3061 ext. 2

Fax 231-421-7817

Ryan Schrock - Principal

Nicole Street - Admin. Assistant

Jessica Krantz - Registrar

Health Office
231-334-3061 ext. 518

School Hours
Full Day: 8:10am - 3:10pm

Half Day: 8:10am - 11:30am

Welcome to Glen Lake Elementary School

In partnership with our community, Glen Lake Elementary School  (GLES) provides all of our students with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to build meaningful and productive lives.

GLES offers the traditional Kindergarten through 5th grade classes. Beginning in 4th grade students are introduced to the team teaching model of instruction used in Middle School and High School. All grade levels have the opportunity to participate in “Academic Specials” that include Physical Education, Music, Art, Library, and Outdoor Explorers Classes. 

In addition, GLES offers a Young Fives program and a Preschool program.

The Young Fives program has its own developmentally appropriate curriculum designed to meet the needs of a child who may not quite be ready for Kindergarten. The curriculum is delivered at a pace that has been adapted to best suit the abilities of the Young Fives child. It is similar to Kindergarten in many ways.  The children do many of the same things, but with more individualized attention.  Classes are smaller, allowing the teachers to do more experiential or “hands-on” activities.

When children attend Glen Lake Elementary Preschool they are given the chance to grow socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Lessons and activities are developed based on the needs of the children within the room. Every child’s needs and abilities are considered and planned around.

Glen Lake Elementary Preschool runs concurrent with the Glen Lake School schedule. Children can attend two to five days a week depending on their need or developmental level. If you would like more information, please contact the Elementary Office, 231-334-3061.

We value the communication we have with our school parents and community. This website contains a variety of information about our school that may be of interest to you and your child. Please contact us if you have specific questions or comments. We will be happy to assist you.

Parent Resources